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Ignite Sales and Lead Generation with Artificial Intelligence

Harness the power of AI and automation with our comprehensive lead generation and sales solutions across major platforms like Google, Meta, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Pinterest.

We offer fully managed ads service, digital consultancy and analysis, AI lead gen and sales bots builds and implementation plus an all in one marketing platform, DAIS.

Delivering Superior Digital Solutions


Client's Satisfaction


Campaigns Ran


CPA Reduction 


Acquisition Growth

We have provided our acquisition strategies across industry sectors.

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So we are confident we can help you by bringing our collective learns to your campaigns.

We tackle the challenges with data and tech

Enhancing your business operations and sales through AI and the art of marketing.

Creative minds

We choose our teams carefully. Our people are the secret to great work.

Proactive Prospecting

Elevate outreach with data-driven insights, promising best returns on your investment.

Strategic Ad Optimization

Leverage our intelligent algorithms for potent ad optimization across platforms.

AI-Powered Business Growth

Get a competitive edge with our powerful AI solutions that spur unprecedented growth.

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Digital Consultancy

Transform Your Lead Generation and Sales

SCC offers over 18 years experience in digital marketing plus a range of tools and services to optimize your online presence and boost conversions

  • Enhanced Online Visibility

  • Streamlined Lead Generation

  • Increased Sales Efficiency

Lead Generation

Boost Your Online Leads and Sales

Search Click Convert helps businesses generate more leads and close deals faster with AI-powered automation and advanced marketing tools

  • 25%

    Increase in Retention

  • 1.7X

    User Base Growth

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Prospect Better with Us

Our online and offline strategies across the leading platforms ensure fast and effective growth.

Google Ads

Streamline your Google Ads campaigns with our smart solutions.

Meta Ads

Our experts optimize your Meta ads for maximum visibility and impact.

LinkedIn Advertising 

Reach your target audience effectively with tailored LinkedIn ad strategies.

TikTok Marketing 

Harness TikTok's explosive growth with our optimized marketing strategies.

Pinterest Advertising 

Maximise your visibility on Pinterest with strategic ad placement.

Offline Advertising

Expand your reach with our strategic offline advertising solutions.

Database Reactivation 

Reactivate dormant prospects and extract value from your existing database.

Prospecting Services 

Identify and reach potential customers with our innovative prospecting services.

Reputation Management

We safeguard your business reputation with strategic reputation management tactics.

Integration Without the Hassle

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What our clients are saying

Using the Acquisition Flow system has transformed our lead generation process. The automated workflows and advanced targeting options have resulted in a significant increase in qualified leads." - John David

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John Davis


The GPT Gener8 qualification feature provided by Search Click Convert has revolutionized our sales prospecting efforts. It saves us valuable time by automating the initial qualification process and allows our sales team to focus on closing deals

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Michael Rodriguez

Sales Director

SCC's DAIS platform has greatly improved our efficiency and campaign performance. It's an invaluable tool for our marketing team." - Lisa

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Lisa Evans

Head of Marketing 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions

We have curated some frequently asked questions

What is Search Click Convert (SCC)?

Search Click Convert (SCC) is a digital consultancy that offers AI and automated lead generation and sales services

What is the Acquisition Flow system?

The Acquisition Flow system is a comprehensive client generation solution designed to help businesses generate leads, convert prospects, and close deals more efficiently. It includes paid advertisement services, custom funnel pages, workflow automations, and optional upgrades like GPT Gener8 qualification and access to our marketing platform, DAIS

What are Uni Flow, Duo Flow, Tri Flow, and Omni Flow packages?

Uni Flow, Duo Flow, Tri Flow, and Omni Flow are different package options within our Acquisition Flow solution. Each package offers a unique combination of services and features tailored to specific business needs

What is GPT Gener8?

GPT Gener8 refers to our fully trained marketing and sales bots that utilize AI technology. These bots can support, prospect, or close opportunities for your business, saving you valuable time and money. We will build and implement one of the Gener8 bots based on your business requirements

What is DAIS?

DAIS is our all-in-one marketing and AI platform. It serves as the backbone of our services, allowing us to deliver efficient lead generation and sales solutions. With DAIS, you can benefit from advanced automation, data analysis, and AI-driven strategies to optimize your marketing campaigns

How can SCC help my business?

SCC specializes in driving targeted traffic and leads to your business using a combination of AI technology, automated processes, and strategic ad placements. By leveraging our expertise and tools like DAIS, we can maximize your conversion rates and help you achieve your business goals more effectively

See Everything the Team's Working On